Time for YOU.
You’ve had enough and been through enough. And you’re done with the pain, confusion, paralysis.
Your shame, your pain, your disgust – they’re all shared feelings. Every single person has a story they are not proud of.
You are not alone. And what’s more – you’re not to blame.
You can take responsibility for your life AND not punish yourself every single day. You can be accountable and gentle. You can be “on top of it” and compassionate.
You are no more dimming your light to fit in and no more denying yourself what you need to be whole.
Your time is NOW.
Self-CARE isn’t self-ISH.
Take a moment to visualize the kind of life and experiences you want to have. The feelings you want to feel regularly. The relationships you want to have and the defining qualities of these relationships.
Imagine your life with all these ideal circumstances. Imagine having everything you want and need to be fulfilled, happy, ready to share your unique message with the world.
Can you see it?
You – living your true expression – realizing your dreams to the fullest.
That’s exactly what the world needs. So, giving yourself a break isn’t selfish at all.
What would that do for you? How might you hold yourself as a person?
I know for me, holding the dream of my life as important and worthy has been a game-changer.
I look forward to getting up and expressing myself. I hold myself with so much more compassion. And in this loving place, I can also make space to hold others with care and tenderness.
This is my life’s work.
To help people like you find the answers to these questions and help you get to the heart of the matter, take the next step, and heal.
You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love
and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You, yourself,
as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.
– Sharon Salzberg
Therapy with me
When people know better, they do better. When people are given time, space, and an authentic opportunity to look within themselves, to know themselves, and to love themselves, there will be no reason for them to hurt another.
This is about falling in love with yourself – and moving forward from that place.

To live fully, you need to be full.
You can’t pour from an empty cup. You can’t give love to others without first giving to yourself.
You might even need to start forgiving yourself and others before you can get to the “love” part.
And that’s ok.
No part of you is bad, off-limits, or unworthy.
There might be some things you did while you were enduring trauma that don’t make you proud. There might be someone who hurt you in the past that you feel burning hatred toward.
When I tell you that everyone has those moments, those people, and those feelings, you can believe me.
Working with me as your therapist, you will walk away from each session feeling heard and validated.
Now, enter commitment.
Commitment to the transformation you desire.
It will be time to remember your vision for your life, the future you want to have, and what you think it might take to get there.

And the work.
The process of getting started with therapy is like any other process. There will be ups and downs. You’ll be motivated some weeks, and “over it” other weeks. That’s normal and to be expected.
To get to the root of the issue, we will keep peeling back the layers, like an onion. The more you uncover, the more you will discover. There is so much unlearning and relearning to do.
You’re in charge
You determine what we’ll talk about – I’ll use my expertise to determine what you need at the moment – what’s going to help you heal from what you’ve experienced. I’ll follow your lead.
If appropriate, I may give you homework between sessions. The point of therapy is to take what you learn within that container out into your everyday life. You’re here to make changes. I’m here to set you up for success outside therapy.
Do I really need therapy?
In today’s world, you probably think you should be able to do this on your own. Between Youtube videos, Instagram experts telling you “how” to heal, and the idea that you can “just Google it,” the answer should be instant and readily available to you.

But that isn’t how it works.
The pain you’re experiencing took time to plant itself within your heart. The patterns of behavior you’re trying to unlearn took time to become a pattern. The suffering you endured happened within a relationship.
Therapy is a safe space where you can unlearn all the unhelpful patterns you have taken on and practice new, healthier ways of relating to others.
Tackle your triggers. Take back your life.
It might not feel like it, but you’re here for a reason. I want to help you find out what that reason is and make space with you and for you to pursue it to the best of your ability.
Take time for yourself so that you can realize the life of your dreams.
About Me
I am an intuitive and trauma-informed therapist. My life’s mission is to help others who are struggling in their relationship with themselves to understand how treasured they are.
It might be an unpopular opinion, but I believe that hurt people hurt people.
When people begin to feel understood, most importantly by themselves, they will stop the madness of inflicting pain onto others. They will begin the healing process.
Forgiveness is medicine.
In my own life, I have needed to learn this lesson. I used to be the kind of person who would hold onto a grudge in the hopes that I was punishing the other person. Like drinking poison and thinking it would hurt the other person – when I was just hurting myself.
Forgiveness has become my greatest teacher and the key to freedom.
Having freedom in my heart and my mind has made my life full of more ease than I thought possible, especially with my outer circumstances not being much different.
But inside, I feel like I’m on a completely different level.
Life is all about balance.
Just like lots of people, I like blizzards from DQ, bike rides on a nice day, and settling in for a night of relaxation with a good movie or video game.
I also like immersing myself in silent retreats, expanding my knowledge on my chosen profession as a therapist, exploring the symbolism of tarot cards, and deepening my healing practice of mindfulness.
What I have discovered through this balance is that the meaning my life has is up to me.
I have noticed that I can have bad days, and my world doesn’t come crashing down. It is freeing.
And that’s what matters.
Once I began to accept that life is 50/50 positive and negative, my life became much easier. I found that I can remind myself on days when I don’t feel great, or things don’t go as planned, that I am actually in exactly the right place and my life is unfolding in perfect, divine timing.
This outlook has helped me make sense of seeming chaos and have a deeper feeling of peace than I have ever felt before.
Each day is different and provides a new perspective on life.
Does this resonate for you?
Reach out to schedule a free call. Let’s see if we’re a good fit.
My background
I earned my Masters in Social Work (MSW) from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2013, and my License in Clinical Social Work (LCSW) in 2017. I am certified in TF-CBT (trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy) receiving my training from the founder of this modality, Anthony Mannarino.
I have extensive training and experience in different modes of experiential and energy-based therapies, including sand tray, EMDR (eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing), mindfulness, Reiki, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).
I developed an intervention I call a visualization session, using CBT, narrative, journaling and Reiki therapy.
I also teach an online course titled Slow Down To Speed Up: Visualization Masterclass, in which participants learn how to see the path of their life unfolding and developing a plan for the next 1-3 steps to continue walking on this path.